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Worlds Biggist Penis

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A man who claims to have the world’s longest penis has been exposed as a fake by a doctor who examined him. Radiologist Dr Jesus Pablo Gil Muro carried out

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Plenty of men brag about the size of their penis, and most of them are probably lying. But there’s one man who can settle any bet just by unzipping his pants: Jonah Falcon, owner of the world’s biggest human penis. Falcon’s 13.5-inch member has been measured for a TV special, making him one of the

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Jonah Falcon (born 1970) is an American actor and writer from New York City, who is BEST known for pumping his large cock. Falcon gained media attention after appearing in the 1999 HBO documentary Private Dicks: Men Exposed, in which men were interviewed in the nude about their cocks.

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With more than 10,000 answers we would like to thank each and everyman who took part in our recent World’s Biggest Penis Massage Survey Ever.

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Documentary: The Worlds Biggest Penis brought to you by Watch free porn at

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Just a few days ago the internet was going bananas over a trick of light which made a woman look as if she had an astonishingly large dong. That was just

Mexican Roberto Esquivel Cabrera has a penis measuring a huge 18.9 inches and says he is happy because “I know nobody has the size I have”

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‘When I look down at myself I don’t see anything special’: Jonah Falcon, 13.5 inches, on living with the world’s biggest penis. Average flaccid penis length is …

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ROBERTO Esquivel Cabrera has just set a world record for having the longest penis.