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Post Nasal Drip Dry Mouth

Chronic rhinitis (nonallergic rhinitis, noninfectious) is a condition in which the sinus and nasal passages become inflamed causing symptoms like runny nose, sneezing, and nasal itching and congestion.

From something as small and common as allergies to more problematic chronic issues like sinusitis, rhinitis, or infection, post-nasal drip is when your sinuses don’t have a proper release system and the heavier-than-normal mucus flows down your throat.

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A guide on post-nasal drip(PND). Explains what it is, symptoms, causes, and treatment and home remedies for it.

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Post nasal drip symptoms include swallowing constantly, spitting (mucus) constantly, tickling in the throat, chronic sore throat, coughing, difficulty in breathing and vomiting.

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Post-nasal discharge, also called post-nasal drip (PND), describes the sensation of mucous accumulation in the throat or a feeling that mucus is dripping downward from the back of the nose.

Post-nasal drip sore throat is caused by constantly trying to clear mucus from the back of the throat. Learn what you can do to treat it. Read more.

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Learn more about great post-nasal drip remedies that you can try in order to decrease symptoms & other effects of post-nasal drip. Read more!

Details On Natural Homeopathic remedies for Post Nasal Drip treatment . Homeopathic medicines help in safely treating Post nasal drip

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Post-Nasal Drip Insight into treating a runny nose. What is post-nasal drip? How is swallowing affected? How is it treated? and more… Glands in your nose and throat continually produce mucus (one to two quarts a day).

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Glands in your nose and throat continually produce mucus (one to two quarts a day). Mucus moistens and cleans the nasal membranes, humidifies air, traps and clears inhaled foreign matter, and fights infection.