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East Asian Studies Program

CEAS is the nexus of East Asia-related research, teaching, outreach and exchange across the Stanford campus.

At Dickinson, the East Asian studies major focuses on China and Japan but with increasing attention to the broader East Asian and global contexts of these two civilizations. Students explore East Asia from multiple perspectives: from ancient origins to contemporary realities through the study of

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Northeastern University’s Asian Studies program offers two program of study: a Bachelor of Arts degree in Asian Studies, and a in East Asian Studies.

The Department of East Asian Languages and Cultural Studies is dedicated to the study of the civilizations of China, Japan and Korea in all their richness and diversity.

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The Center for East Asian Studies at UW-Madison. The Center for East Asian Studies (CEAS) is the focal point connecting East Asia to the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

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Earn an affordable Bachelor of Arts in East Asian Studies online or on-site at University of Maryland University College.

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Southeast Asian Studies Summer Institute 2018 Program Dates: June 18 to August 10, 2018 . What is SEASSI? SEASSI is an eight-week intensive language training program for undergraduates, graduate students and professionals.

East Asian Studies Program and Department sponsored public events held at Princeton University.

College of East Asian Studies. The College of East Asian Studies (CEAS) has two, mutually-reinforcing core missions: to cultivate an outstanding group of students with strong language abilities, wide-ranging knowledge about East Asia, and an area of particular expertise; and to promote knowledge of and engagement with the histories, …

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Providing leadership, coordination and support for East Asian studies at the University of Southern California.