First let me start by saying I only have experience reenacting with 1 organization and while the methods employed by these two organizations were drastically
Injecting a Boston butt with marinade, coating it with rub, and slow-cooking on the grill will give you the juiciest pulled pork butt you’ve ever
My mother is facing a pressure wound connected to the butt hole, whenever she passes motion, the feces would go into the wound, making this extremely hard to heal.
We set out very early this morning. it being my wish to arrive at the birnt hills [1] by noon in order to take the latitude of that place as it is the most northern point of the Missouri, enformed the party of my design and requested that they would exert themselves to reach the place in time as it would save us the delay of nearly one day
Butt Weld Pipe Fitting – Carbon Steel – Stainless Steel – ASME B16.9 | Trupply Industrial Supply
Promogran Prisma Matrix Collagen Wound Dressing from is comprised of a sterile, freeze-dried composite of 44% oxidized regenerated cellulose (ORC), 55% collagen and 1% silver-ORC.
What is your core wound? How has it shaped you? What limitations has it created in your life? What valuable lesson can you learn from healing it?
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