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Pregnant Women Falling

N’na Fanta Camara, a healer from Guinea, in Western Africa, was recently arrested for conning over 700 women into thinking they were pregnant by giving them a strange cocktail of plants and medicines that left

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In decades past, doctors advised pregnant women to remain sedentary and calm — heart-thumping exercise was out of the question. In 2010, research has

When you’re pregnant, your body is in one very literal sense no longer completely your own. But in another, more uncomfortable sense, it’s become a public entity—because complete strangers think it’s absolutely fine to comment on what you’re eating, how you’re exercising (or not, in my

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Poor Nutrition. During pregnancy, your nutritional needs change to accommodate your growing baby. Many pregnant women experience anemia because their need for iron to help their growing blood supply outpaces their consumption.

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Associated terms for pregnancy are gravid and parous.Gravidus and gravid come from the Latin for “heavy” and a pregnant female is sometimes referred to as a gravida. Gravidity is a term used to describe the number of times that a female has been pregnant.

More scientists flag up health risks from x-ray scanners. Steve Watson Aug 7, 2012

Pregnant women might increase their risk of a stillbirth if they sleep on their backs during their third trimester, a new study has found. The research, published Monday in the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, is the largest of its kind and the clearest evidence yet that sleeping

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Is it safe to exercise during pregnancy? If you are healthy and your pregnancy is normal, it is safe to continue or start most types of exercise, but you may need to make a few changes. Physical activity does not increase your risk of miscarriage, low birth weight, or early delivery. However, it is

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When it comes to handling pregnant women, I’m no expert. Hell, I haven’t even figured out how to deal with women in general. In fact, I’m the antithesis of an expert.

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Joining a Medical Aid After Falling Pregnant. Medical aids usually do not cover any procedure or treatment for a pre-existing condition within the first year of joining a scheme.